Skipper Chuck was the host of a popular local children's television series called Popeye Playhouse, which aired weekday mornings on the American television station WTVJ in South Florida from 1957 until 1979.
Among the special guests who made periodic appearances were Miami Dolphins football coach Don Shula and Jackie Gleason.
Chuck Berry | Chuck Norris | Chuck Jones | Chuck | Chuck (TV series) | Chuck D | Chuck Schumer | Chuck Close | Chuck Grassley | Chuck Liddell | Chuck Connors | Chuck Hagel | Chuck Yeager | Chuck Palahniuk | Chuck Prophet | Chuck Swindoll | Chuck Woolery | Chuck Redd | Chuck Klosterman | Chuck E. Cheese's | Chuck Carney | Chuck Ragan | Chuck McCann | Chuck Mangione | Chuck Leavell | Chuck Jackson | Chuck Girard | Chuck Barris | The Adventures of Chuck and Friends | Grizzled Skipper |