
5 unusual facts about Skulpturensammlung


The Renaissance Zeughaus (Arsenal) on the Brühlsche Terrasse was converted for use as a museum and in 1889 the Antiquities Collection was able to move into the building, which was thereafter called the Albertinum.

The Skulpturensammlung (English: Sculpture Collection) is part of the Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden (Dresden State Art Collections).

The collection of the Dresden Skulpturensammlung ranges in age more than five millennia, from classical antiquity to the art of the Renaissance, Baroque, and Expressionism until the 21st century.

In 1786 the collection was rearranged and exhibited in the Japanisches Palais.

The sculpture of the classical modern period and post-1945 exhibited in the Albertinum amplifies Rodin’s principle of the subjectivity of art.


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