
unusual facts about Slav


Bernard, Margrave of the Nordmark

His illegitimate son by a Slav mistress, Otto, tried to succeed his brother, but was defeated and killed in battle.

Demir Kapija

In the Middle Ages Demir Kapija was known as a Slav settlement, under the name of Prosek, while today's name originates from the Turkish reign, meaning "The Iron Gate".

Dietrich of Haldensleben

Owing to his pride as stated by the chronicler Thietmar of Merseburg (he allegedly once refused the marriage of one of his kinswoman to a Slav "dog"), in 983 the Slavic Lutici and Hevelli tribes sacked the lands of the eastern bishoprics of Havelberg and Brandenburg and reverted to paganism.

Ernest Denis

Along with Louis Léger, he is considered to be one of the most highly regarded 20th-century historians of the Slav world in France.

Grimoald I of Benevento

He saved the northeast of Italy by defeating the Slav tribes and maintained internal order by suppressing the baronial revolts and autonomy of the duchies of Friuli and of Spoleto, where he installed Thrasimund.

Karel Havlíček Borovský

He became a Russophile and a Pan-Slav, but after recognizing the true reality of the Russian society he took the pessimistic view that "Pan-Slavism is a great, attractive but feckless idea".

László Mednyánszky

He edgily tried to establish an association against the Pan-Slav agitators with Béla Grünwald.

Louis Léger

Léger studied under Aleksander Chodźko at the Collège de France, whose position he eventually succeeded in 1885 by taking up the Slav Literature and Language chair of Adam Mickiewicz, which he occupied until 1923.

Ludovica Military Academy

Lajos Kiss (1922–2003) linguist, Slav specialist, member of Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

Michele Godena

As white, he opens with 1.e4 and as black, prefers the Ruy Lopez and Slav/Semi-Slav variations of the Queen's Gambit Declined.

Nikola Pašić

The Government and the army retreated to the south in the direction of Greece, but were cut off by Bulgarian forces and had to go through Albania and to the Greek island of Corfu where the Corfu Declaration was signed in 1917 preparing the ground for the future South Slav state of Yugoslavia.

Otto, Margrave of the Nordmark

Otto (died 26 June 1057) was illegitimate son of Bernard, Margrave of the Nordmark, and a Slav mistress.

Palisády Street

The tree represented a symbol to so called Ľudovít Štúr - movements - the linden is considered to be a symbol of Slavs.

Slavomir of Moravia

It is possible that Slavomir was one of the "high-ranking hostages" whom his relative, Rastislav, the duke of Moravia turned over to the Franks in 864, because in that year Bishop Otgar of Eichstätt granted an estate near the Frankish–Moravian border to a certain Slav, Sleimar whose name may be a variant spelling of his name.

see also