
4 unusual facts about Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

Andrew M. Stuart

He has won numerous awards, including the 1989 Leslie Fox Prize for Numerical Analysis, and the SIAM James Wilkinson and Germund Dahlquist Prizes in 1997.

Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling

The Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling is a multi-day mathematics competition held annually by COMAP and sponsored by SIAM, the NSA, and INFORMS.

Mathematical Contest in Modeling

The Mathematical Contest in Modeling (MCM) is a multi-day mathematics competition held annually in USA, during the first or second weekend in February, since 1985 by COMAP and sponsored by SIAM, the NSA, and INFORMS.

Robert Edmund O'Malley

Professor O'Malley has been especially active as a member of SIAM, the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.

Mathematical Sciences Foundation

Recent visitors under this programme have been Sir Michael Atiyah, M S Narasimhan and Martin Golubitsky (President, SIAM).

Quote notation

It was invented by Eric Hehner of the University of Toronto, and published in the SIAM Journal on Computation, v.8, n.2, May 1979, pp.

see also

Thomas N.E. Greville

Greville was a member of the American Mathematical Society; the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics; the Society of Actuaries; the Institute of Mathematical Statistics; the American Statistical Association; and the Parapsychological Association.