
2 unusual facts about Society of Actuaries

Cecil J. Nesbitt

He served the Society of Actuaries from 1985 to 1987 as Vice-President for Research and Studies.

Chartered Financial Analyst

The Society of Actuaries (SOA) granted the credit of Validation by Educational Experience (VEE)-Economics to the candidates who passed the CFA Level I exam.

John Archibald Venn

John Archibald Venn CMG FSA JP (10 November 1883 – 15 March 1958), son of John Venn, was a British economist, President of Queens' College, Cambridge, from 1932 until his death, Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge University 1941–43, university archivist, and author, alongside his father, of Alumni Cantabrigienses.

see also

Thomas N.E. Greville

Greville was a member of the American Mathematical Society; the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics; the Society of Actuaries; the Institute of Mathematical Statistics; the American Statistical Association; and the Parapsychological Association.