
unusual facts about Society of Friends

Alfred Hutchinson Dymond

Originally a Quaker, in 1852, Dymond married Helen Susannah Henderson, an Anglican, and later became active in the Anglican church.

Human bonding

Research into the nature and merit of the human–animal bond began in the late 18th century when, in York, England, the Society of Friends established The Retreat to provide humane treatment for the mentally ill.

John Ingram Lockhart

John Ingram Lockhart, of Shorfield House, near Rumsey, Hampshire, and Great Haseley House, Oxfordshire, was the youngest son of three children of James Lockhart of Melchett Park, Wiltshire, and London, (a partner in Lockhart, Wallace, and Co., bankers, Pall Mall) – himself a descendant of the old Scottish family of that name, and on the female side from the sister of Oliver Cromwell (Miss Gray, a member of the Society of Friends).

John Macmurray

After his retirement they moved to the village of Jordans, Buckinghamshire, where they both joined the Society of Friends.

see also

1652 in England

13 June - George Fox preaches to a large crowd on Firbank Fell in Westmorland, leading to the establishment of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers).

Cornwall Friends Meeting House

The Cornwall Quaker community was almost 500 strong, including most of Cornwall's prominent families, in 1825, when it along with the entire American Society of Friends was torn by the schism resulting from the influence of Elias Hicks.

Edna Buckman Kearns

The Buckmans were members of the Religious Society of Friends or Quakers.

Erich Lüth

He was founder and chairman of the Press club in Hamburg, and co-founded the " Society of Friends of Franco-German intellectual relations "and also the initiator of the Peace with Israel, which merged with the Society for Christian-Jewish Cooperation in the fall of 1952.

Fausto Elhuyar

In 1781, he was appointed a member of the Real Sociedad Bascongada de Amigos del Pais (Royal Basque Society of Friends to the Country), an enlightened institution thanks to which he started teaching as professor of mineralogy and metallurgics in Bergara, the seat of both the Vascongada Society and the University of Vergara (nowadays merged with the University of the Basque Country).

John Wilhelm Rowntree

He played a large part in enabling the Religious Society of Friends to incorporate an understanding of modern science (such as the theory of evolution), modern biblical criticism, and the social meaning of Jesus's teaching into their belief systems.

Josiah Forster

In 1842-3 a schism developed in the Society of Friends in Salem in Iowa.


Berliner Mittwochsgesellschaft (1783–1798), or Gesellschaft der Freunde der Aufklärung ("Society of Friends of the Enlightenment")


Quaker Council for European Affairs, founded in 1979 to promote the values of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in the European context.

Quaker Meeting

Monthly meeting (or Area meeting in the UK), the basic organisational unit in the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)

Selly Oak Colleges

However in 2001 the largest college (Westhill College) passed into the hands of the University of Birmingham, and in the following years most of the remaining colleges closed, leaving two colleges which continue today, Woodbrooke, a study and conference centre for the Society of Friends, and Fircroft, a small adult education college with residential provision.

Stanisław Egbert Koźmian

He was secretary to the Society of Friends of Poland, and in close relation with Lord Dudley Stuart.

Wall poems in Leiden

and in 2012 the Tegen-Beeld foundation collaborated with the International Society of Friends of Rimbaud to paint a poem by Arthur Rimbaud, "Le Bateau ivre", on a government building in the 6th arrondissement of Paris.