A hard and successful woman researcher on 16th century painters Italian woman Sofonisba Anguissola, Juan Pantoja de la Cruz and Alonso Sanchez Coello.
There is a large collection of Spanish paintings from the 19th and 20th centuries including Jacopo Bassano (Los cacharreros), Sofonisba Anguissola, Annibale Carracci, Francesco Furini (La creación de Eva), Luca Giordano, Giovanni Paolo Pannini, José de Ribera (Cristo coronado de espinas), Francisco Antolínez, Joaquín Inza and Neri di Bicci.
There were some female equivalents, such as the portrait miniaturist Levina Teerlinc (daughter of Simon Bening), who served as a gentlewoman in the royal households of both Mary I and Elizabeth I, and Sofonisba Anguissola, who was court painter to Philip II of Spain and art tutor with the rank of lady-in-waiting to his third wife Elisabeth of Valois, a keen amateur artist.