
unusual facts about Solimões

Sternarchogiton preto

It is native to large river channels and major side branches in the Amazon Basin, and is common in the Rio Tefé and the Rio Solimões to a depth of 14 m.


Solimões |

Apistogramma cacatuoides

The cockatoo dwarf cichlid is found in the Amazon River basin, in tributaries of the Ucayali, Amazon and Solimões rivers from the Pachitea River to Tabatinga in Peru and Colombia where it lives in small shallow streams or lagoon-like waters in the rain forest.

Princesa do Solimões Esporte Clube

Princesa do Solimões Esporte Clube, commonly known as Princesa do Solimões, is a Brazilian football club based in Manacapuru, Amazonas state.

Rollinia deliciosa

The largest is 'biriba do Alto Solimoes', developed in Brazil, which can weigh up to 4 kg, making it probably the third largest Annona after the junglesop and the soursop.

see also