
unusual facts about Solr


Apache Solr |

Apache Solr

Yonik Seeley along with Grant Ingersoll and Erik Hatcher went on to launch LucidWorks (formerly Lucid Imagination), a company providing commercial support, consulting and training for Apache Solr search technologies.

Bielefeld University

It works with commercial system suppliers to meet the needs of academic libraries—collaborations that have resulted in developments such as BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine), by which metadata is collected from scientific repository servers and indexed, along with data from selected web sites and data collections, using the Solr framework.

EGranary Digital Library

The eGranary's interface includes a word search powered by Lucene and Solr, an online public access catalog powered by VuFind which contains over 60,000 records, and dozens of portals cooperatively developed with experts from around the world.


Flax provides independent open source search solutions based on the Xapian and Lucene/Solr platforms.

see also