
unusual facts about Sombre


The film deals with Jean (Marc Barbé), a serial killer who follows the Tour de France cycling race in his car and murders women (mostly prostitutes) along his way.


TS Eliot draws from this myth in The Dry Salvages: "And the ragged rock in the restless waters,/Waves wash over it, fogs conceal it;/On a halcyon day it is merely a monument,/In navigable weather it is always a seamark/To lay a course by: but in the sombre season/Or the sudden fury, is what it always was."

Begum Samru

She died at Sardhana in January 1837 at the age of 85, bequeathing the greater part of her property to David Ochterlony Dyce Sombre, who descended from Walter Reinhardt Sombre, from his first wife.

David Ochterlony Dyce Sombre

Sombre was great-grandson of a mercenary soldier Walter Reinhardt alias Sombre, whose second wife was the famous Begum Samru who made her grandson-in-law George Sombre, and then his son Dyce Sombre her heirs.

Gwei Lun-Mei

Set partly against the sombre reality of Taiwan’s martial law period (1949-1987) and partly against the newfound freedom that the once-oppressed protagonists are struggling to cope with, the film charts the tortured emotional lives of its three characters (played by Gwei, Joseph Chang and Rhydian Vaughan) over the decades.

James Hervey

In addition to this, the sombre and sweeping tone of his Meditations Among The Tombs (for example, "the dreadful pleasure inspired by gazing at fallen monuments and mouldering tombs") has led to his being placed amongst the 18th Century 'Graveyard School' of poets, rendering his work an important influence on Horace Walpole’s 'The Castle of Otranto' of 1764 and consequently, the entire genre of Gothic Literature and the later Romanticism which the genre fuelled.

Knights of the Temple: Infernal Crusade

The player character Paul is a Templar knight on his first Crusade, to stop the end of the world by fighting his way through the sombre gloom of European monasteries and villages to the colourful bazaars and powerful bastions of the crusader castles under the blazing sun of the Holy Land and by entering the realms of hell and face his worst nightmares.

Miroslav Krleža

This sombre and highly complex multilayered poem evoking reminiscences of Bruegel and Bosch paintings, written in a unique hybrid language based on Croatian kajkavian dialect interspersed with Latin, German, Hungarian and the archaic Croatian highly stylised idiom, radiates universal dark truths on the human condition epitomized in Croatian historical experience.

Penseroso Bluff

The feature appeared dark and sombre; hence, the party gave the name from Milton's "Il Penseroso" in antithesis to Allegro Valley 14 miles to the south.

Régis Campo

The film director Philippe Grandrieux (Sombre, La Vie Nouvelle) has recently entrusted him with the task of creating the music for his next feature-length film Un Lac.

Rue de l'Abbaye

The abbot's garden also exists to this day and was the scene of one of the most sombre episodes of the French Revolution, the September Massacres of the 2nd to 5 September 1792.

Sombre forêt

"Sombre forêt" (Dark Forest) is a soprano aria from Act 2 of the opera William Tell by Gioachino Rossini, to a French libretto by Etienne de Jouy and Hippolyte Bis.


The enhanced version was to include a cover of Brian Eno's "Sombre Reptiles" and a video for "Mountain Cats".

The Whizzard of Ow

The short begins with a magical battle between two different stereotypes of sorcerers (a short Gandalf-like wizard that holds a large book of magic in one hand and a staff in the other, and an elegant but sombre Doctor Strange-like warlock with a black cat on his shoulder) where they zap each other until they kill each other in a final energy blast.

Vittorio Alfieri

In his Filippo he has represented, almost with the masterly touches of Tacitus, the sombre character, the dark mysterious counsels, the suspensa semper et obscura verba, of the modern Tiberius.

see also