A former member of the Sonderkommando reports that the song was spontaneously sung by Czech Jews in the entryway to the Auschwitz-Birkenau gas chamber in 1944.
A play and subsequent film about the Sonderkommandos, The Grey Zone (2001) directed by Tim Blake Nelson, was based on this book.
In the collection at Yad Vashem, the Holocaust museum in Jerusalem, Israel, there are notes from members of Sonderkommandos.
481–502, Jean-Claude Pressac, Pressac-Klarsfeld, 1989, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation, New York, Library of Congress 89-81305
The first judicial trial of the former SS men – members of the SS-Sonderkommando Kulmhof – took place in 1945 at the District Court in Łódź, Poland.
Erber is mentioned several times in the account of Sonderkommando member Filip Müller, and is noted to have been among the most notoriously cruel of the SS personnel.
Sonderkommando literally means "special command", and Elbe is one of the main rivers in Germany.