The nobles of Kokoro village are Songhay people, who trace their ancestry in the male line to Askia Mohammed Toure.
With his band Markus James and the Wassonrai, he mixes the American style with traditional sounds of the Wassoulou and Sonrai peoples of Mali.
The region contains a number of ethnic groups including Bozo, Songhai, Dogon, Fulani and Bambara.
Following Sonni Ali's death, Muslim factions rebelled against his successor and installed Soninke general, Askia Muhammad (formerly Muhammad Toure) who was to be the first and most important ruler of the Askia dynasty (1492–1592).
In the mythology of the African Songhai people, Zin Kibaru or Zinkibaru is a blind, river-dwelling spirit who commands fish.
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Several later books describe the language and culture of the broader Songhay-Zarma populations of this region, including their therapeutic practices and former slavery relations.