
unusual facts about Sonthofen


In World War II Sonthofen was bombed twice because Adolf Hitler had built the Ordensburg Sonthofen where young boys were trained for service in Nazi Party organizations.

Hermann Giesler

Up to 1938 he designed the "Ordensburg" in Sonthofen, planned Gau Forums in Weimar and Augsburg, and the "university" for the NSDAP at Chiemsee.

Michael Endres

He was born 1961 in Sonthofen in the Oberallgäu region of the Bavarian Alps and studied with Klaus Schilde and Karl Hermann Mrongovius in Munich, then with Jacob Lateiner at the Juilliard School New York, where he received his Masters Degree - and later with Peter Feuchtwanger in London.

see also