
unusual facts about Sophia Alekseyevna

Pyotr Andreyevich Tolstoy

On account of his family relationship with the Miloslavsky family, he miscalculated the strength of the tsarevna Sophia Alekseyevna, (September 17 N.S. September 27, 1657 – regent of Russia (1682–1689) – July 3 N.S. July 14, 1704), full sister of Feodor III and third daughter, also, of Tsar Alexei I of Russia by his first wife, Maria Miloslavskaya and became one of her most energetic supporters, but contrived to join the other, and winning, side just before the final catastrophe.

see also

Fyodor Shaklovity

Upon his return from this mission, Fyodor Shaklovity began to incite the Streltsy to come out against the young Peter Alexeyevich and Naryshkin family and demand Sophia Alekseyevna's coronation.