In the television series The Golden Girls, Sophia Petrillo, played by Estelle Getty, claims that her daughter Dorothy was born on one of the tables at McSorley's, which is an anachronism, as the bar did not admit women until 1970.
Sophia Loren | Hagia Sophia | Sophia University | Sophia Antipolis | Sophia Parnok | Sophia Jagiellon, Margravine of Brandenburg-Ansbach | Sophia Kiely | Sophia Perennis | Sophia Frangou | Sophia Charlotte of Hanover | Princess Sophia | James Petrillo | Countess Sophia Albertine of Erbach-Erbach | Sophia the Martyr | Sophia Smith Collection | Sophia Petrillo | Sophia of Nassau | Sophia of Hanover | Sophia Montecarlo | Sophia Magdalena of Denmark | Sophia Latjuba | Sophia Jagiellon | Sophia Desta | Sophia College, Mumbai | Princess Sophia of the United Kingdom | Princess Sophia of Gloucester | Miss Sophia's Diary | SS Princess Sophia | Sophia of Lithuania | Sophia Mundi Steiner School |