Sophie and the Rising Sun takes place in a small fictional town called Salty Creek, Georgia in the days before the bombing of Pearl Harbor.
The novel is classified under the romance genre and primarily focuses on two main characters, Sophie and Mr. Oto, during the days before the attack on Pearl Harbor.
Sun | Sun Microsystems | Chicago Sun-Times | 3rd Rock from the Sun | The Sun | Sun Yat-sen | The Baltimore Sun | Sun Ra | The Sun (newspaper) | Order of the Rising Sun | Easter Rising | Sun Tzu | Sun Records | The Sun Also Rises | The Sun (United Kingdom) | Sun Wukong | Sun Belt Conference | Toronto Sun | Sun City | Sophie Tucker | Sun City Girls | Stefanie Sun | Sophie, Countess of Wessex | Empire of the Sun | Sun Myung Moon | Sun Bowl | sun | Sophie | Hannibal Rising | A Raisin in the Sun |