
unusual facts about South Moravia


CENTROPE is a joint initiative of the Austrian Federal Provinces of Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland, the Czech Region of South Moravia, the Slovak Regions of Bratislava and Trnava, the Hungarian Counties of Győr-Moson-Sopron and Vas as well as the Cities of Bratislava, Brno, Eisenstadt, Győr, Sopron, St. Pölten, Szombathely and Trnava.

Milan Petržela

Although born in Prague, Petržela is originally from the South Moravian village Hoštice-Heroltice.

see also

Carabus hungaricus

The majority of its populations inhabit calcareous sandy grasslands from the Deliblat (Serbia: Deliblatska Peščara) throughout the Banat (Serbia, Romania) and sandy areas in Hungary along the Danube River all the way to Vienna (Austria) and South Moravia (Czech Republic).

German South Moravia

German South Moravia was historically an integral part of the Habsburg constituent Margraviate of Moravia.