
unusual facts about Habsburgs


Administrative divisions of Romania

After modern Romania was formed in 1859 through the union of Wallachia and rump Moldavia, and then extended in 1918 through the union of Transylvania, as well as Bukovina and Bessarabia (parts of Moldavia temporarily acquired by the Habsburgs, 1775–1918, respectively the Russian Tsars, 1812–1917), the administrative division was modernized using the French departments system as an example.

Antonio Domínguez Ortiz

de España, Madrid, Alfaguara, 1973 ("The Old Regime: the Catholic Monarchs and the Habsburgs")

Augustus, Elector of Saxony

In 1576 he opposed the proposal of the Protestant princes to make a grant for the War against the Ottoman Empire conditional upon the abolition of the clause concerning ecclesiastical reservation, and he continued to support the Habsburgs.

Barr, Bas-Rhin

Barr was originally an imperial property, but in 1522 the Habsburgs leased it to Nicolas Ziegler, and a few years later give him the freehold.

County of Hainaut

The northern area, around Mons, remained under Spanish Habsburgs, and was then part of the Austrian Netherlands after the 1713 Treaty of Utrecht.

Duchy of Limburg

Combined with the Landen van Overmaas (the lands beyond the Meuse: Dalhem, Herzogenrath and Valkenburg) and Maastricht, the duchy became one of the Seventeen Provinces held by the Habsburgs within the Burgundian Circle established in 1512.

German South Moravia

German South Moravia was historically an integral part of the Habsburg constituent Margraviate of Moravia.

German Tyrol

German Tyrol was historically an integral part of the Habsburg constituent Princely County of Tyrol but, with the imminent collapse of Habsburg Austria-Hungary at the end of World War I, areas of the empire with an ethnic German majority began to take actions to form a new state.

Habsburg Netherlands

After the extinction of the Spanish Habsburgs and the War of the Spanish Succession, the southern provinces were also known as the Austrian Netherlands from 1715 onwards.

Habsburg Spain

France was stricken for the next thirty years by civil war and unrest (see French Wars of Religion) and was unable to effectively compete with Spain and the Habsburgs in the European power struggle.

Infante Manuel, Count of Ourém

In 1728 he become one of the candidates for the hand of the wealthy Maria Zofia Sieniawska supported by the Habsburgs in attempt to gain a strong position in Poland before the Royal Election.

János Görbe

His most famous films include the Cannes favorite The Round-Up (1965 film) by Jancsó or :hu:Föltámadott a tenger in which he played Hungary's national hero, poet Sándor Petőfi who perished in the Hungarian Revolution of 1848 against the Habsburgs.

Leonhard of Gorizia

The Habsburgs (re-)united Lienz with the County of Tyrol and went on to rule as Counts in Gorizia (Gorizia and Gradisca from 1754).

Little War

The Little War in Hungary, a series of conflicts between the Habsburgs and the Ottoman Empire in the 16th century

Lordship of Frisia

Duke Albert had been a loyal follower of the Habsburgs in their struggle around the Burgundian heritage and had freed the King from custody at Brügge ten years before.

Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary

Mary has also been identified with Mary I of England with "How does your garden grow?" said to refer to her lack of heirs, or to the common idea that England had become a Catholic vassal or "branch" of Spain and the Habsburgs.

Michael Sittow

The Berlin Virgin formed the other half of a diptych with the Washington portrait of Diego de Guevara, a Spanish courtier with the Habsburgs, otherwise best known for giving the Arnolfini Portrait to Archduchess Margaret of Austria, governor of the Spanish Netherlands.


In the 13th Century the village was possessed the Habsburgs, Beromünster Abbey and the Lords of Reinach.


It is believed that one of the reasons the Habsburgs build the Parenzana railway from Trieste to Poreč was because they liked the wines from the region (Refosco, Malvasia and Teran).

Toby Ziegler

He has also made reference to a grandfather who lived to be 96 years old, but for the last twenty years of his life "thought the Habsburgs still lived in a big palace in Vienna".

Treaty of Neuberg

While Albert retained the Archduchy of Austria, Leopold became the exclusive ruler of the Duchies of Styria (including the town of Wiener Neustadt), Carinthia, Carniola, the Windic march, the County of Gorizia and the Habsburgs' possessions in Friuli, Tyrol and Further Austria.

Vassal and tributary states of the Ottoman Empire

Other states paid tribute for possessions that were legally bound to the Ottoman Empire but not possessed by the Ottomans such as the Habsburgs for parts of Royal Hungary or Venice for Zante.

see also