Egan Drive, Juneau's principal arterial highway, and the bridge are connected at the intersection of Egan and 10th Street, one of the busiest intersections in Southeast Alaska.
Alaska | Southeast Asia | Anchorage, Alaska | 2013 Southeast Asian Games | Alaska Highway | Fairbanks, Alaska | Alaska Railroad | Southeast Asian Games | Nome, Alaska | 2007 Southeast Asian Games | Juneau, Alaska | 2011 Southeast Asian Games | Skagway, Alaska | 2009 Southeast Asian Games | University of Alaska Fairbanks | Trans-Alaska Pipeline System | Southeast | 2005 Southeast Asian Games | Nenana, Alaska | Galena, Alaska | Football at the 2011 Southeast Asian Games | Alaska Natives | Alaska House of Representatives | Valdez, Alaska | Southeast Alaska | Sitka, Alaska | Maritime Southeast Asia | Haines, Alaska | Barrow, Alaska | Alaska Supreme Court |
Tectonic activity along the North Coast of British Columbia and Southeast Alaska is characterized by transform movements of the Queen Charlotte Fault, a plate boundary where the Pacific Plate skids by the North American Plate.
Muñoz, whose family came to Juneau from Wrangell in 1928, became the fourth generation in her family to hold elected office in Southeast Alaska when she was appointed to replace Dennis Egan (who was appointed Juneau's mayor) on the Juneau Assembly in 1995.
The wearing of labrets was widely observed among Tlingit women of high status at the time of European and American arrivals in Southeast Alaska.
He became interested in totem poles at the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition in Seattle, Washington, in 1909 and later traveled to southeast Alaska and eventually lived there working "in the Indian service," as he put it (meaning perhaps employment with the Bureau of Indian Affairs), living mainly among the Tlingit and Haida people.
Original Alaskan marine industry organizations who played a role in the establishment of the organization include: Alaska Marine Highway, BP Oil Shipping, Crowley Maritime Corporation, Totem Ocean Trailer, Horizon Lines, Polar Tankers, Southwest Alaska Pilots Association, Southeast Alaska Pilots Association, the Alaska Marine Pilots and Pacific Seafood Processors Association.
The Transboundary Watershed Region is a region of northwest British Columbia and southeast Alaska that includes the Tatshenshini-Alsek, Chilkat, Chilkoot, Skagway, Taiya, Taku, Iskut-Stikine, Unuk, and Whiting watersheds.