
unusual facts about Southern Immigrant Trail

Casa Blanca, Arizona

Casa Blanca was one of the Pima Villages on the Gila River in what was then part of the state of Sonora, Mexico, encountered by the American expeditions of Stephen W. Kearny and Philip St. George Cooke in 1846 and later by Americans on their way to California on the Southern Immigrant Trail during the California Gold Rush.

Fort Cummings

It was the only large supply of fresh water between Mesilla and the Mimbres River for wagons heading to California on the Southern Immigrant Trail as well as the later Butterfield Overland Mail stagecoach route.

Scissors Crossing

S2 from Scissors Crossing southward closely follows the Southern Immigrant Trail or Great Southern Overland Route, until about 3 miles beyond Agua Caliente Springs Road where Vallecito Creek turns away to the east.

see also