
unusual facts about Speleology


In April, 2009 speleologists discovered human remains in pits on the mountain, originally thought to be victims of the Yugoslav Partisans from World War II.


Available or popular sports in or around Beiuş are: fresh water fishing (trout, catfish, carp, barbel chub dace and at least a dozen other edible species), speleology (spelunking), soccer (Sunday soccer is a local ritual for all ages), skiing, snowboarding, sledding, tennis, hiking, camping, backpacking and rock climbing.


Eugenio de Bellard Pietri (1927–2000), the founder of Speleology in Venezuela


The as yet undescribed species in this family expand the range to the coast of Ceará State and caves in the dry central part of Minas Gerais, where the cave-dwelling species could represent an example of relictual distribution.

see also