Boat Harbour Beach, nestled between a dramatic hinterland and azure waters is just 15 minutes from Burnie/Wynyard airport, 45 minutes from the Spirit of Tasmania ferry terminal and 55 minutes from the airport in Devonport, each providing easy daily connections to Melbourne and beyond.
Devonport has the terminal for the Spirit of Tasmania ferries – Spirit I and II travel the 11 hours to Melbourne, Victoria.
They attributed this to a marketing campaign and the purchase of the three Spirit of Tasmania ferries.
Devonport, the southern terminus of the Spirit of Tasmania ferry to the mainland, is 40 minutes east by car.
Tasmania | Launceston, Tasmania | University of Tasmania | Holy Spirit | Spirit of St. Louis | Spirit | Glenorchy, Tasmania | New Town, Tasmania | Smells Like Teen Spirit | spirit | Bridgewater, Tasmania | Kingston, Tasmania | Spirit of the West | Richmond, Tasmania | Premier of Tasmania | Claremont, Tasmania | Tasmania cricket team | Sandy Bay, Tasmania | Rokeby, Tasmania | Latrobe, Tasmania | Independent Spirit Awards | Governor of Tasmania | Cambridge, Tasmania | The Spirit Level: Why More Equal Societies Almost Always Do Better | Spirit (band) | Moonah, Tasmania | Devonport, Tasmania | Delta Spirit | Deloraine, Tasmania | Berriedale, Tasmania |