
unusual facts about Spiritual formation

Jonathan D. Keaton

He served as Associate Council Director of the NIC (October 1982 to 30 June 1990), where his responsibilities included Church and Society, Ethnic Minority Local Churches (Native American, Asian, Hispanic, and Black), and Spiritual formation.

see also

Ed Evanko

He did his academic and spiritual formation at the Pontificio Collegio Beda in Rome, at St. Josaphat Seminary and Catholic University in Washington, DC, and at Holy Spirit Seminary and St. Paul University in Ottawa.

Giuseppe Catalani

We owe him also annoted editions of two works much used for the spiritual formation of the Catholic clergy: the letter of St. Jerome A Nepotianum suum (Rome, 1740) and St. John Chrysostom's work on the priesthood, De Sacerdotio, Rome, 1740).