
unusual facts about Spiritual exercises

Garcias de Cisneros

His book Ejercitatorio de la vida espiritual, i.e. "exercises for the spiritual life" was published at Montserrat in 1500 and was an important book on formal prayer and Christian meditation which influenced Saint Ignatius of Loyola, becoming one of the primary sources for his Spiritual exercises.

Devotio Moderna

These methods persist in meditations such as the Spiritual Exercises, which the Jesuits continue to practice.

Manresa House, Dublin

They renamed it Manresa House after Manresa in Catalonia, Spain, where St Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits had many spiritual experiences that contributed to formulation of his Spiritual Exercises.

Marco Cé

In 2006, he was invited by Pope Benedict to preach the Lenten spiritual exercises to him and the Roman Curia.

Richard Meux Benson

In 1858 Benson conducted a retreat for priests using material taken in part from the Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius of Loyola.

see also

Ambroise-Marie Carré

He preached the Lenten sermons many times at Notre Dame de Paris, and in 1964, Paul VI called him to present spiritual exercises at the Vatican.

Juan de Plasencia

A mystical work which he entitled "La Santina", was an Opus number on prayer and contemplation entirely done in the Tagalog language so the natives who did not know Spanish could also engage in the spiritual exercises of their teachers.