
unusual facts about Spirou


Spirou et Fantasio, comics series published in the serial journal and in hardcover book format


Collin started his career in the studio of colorist Vittorio Leonardo, and at S.E.P.P. (Société d'Edition, de Presse et de Publicité), a subsidiary company of Dupuis that specialised on audiovisual adaptations of the characters that are the property of Spirou magazine.


He studied at the Académie Royale des Beaux-Arts in Brussels and first presented his drawings at the publisher Dupuis, known for Spirou magazine, when he was 16.

Le dictateur et le champignon

The sequence where Spirou and Fantasio melt a whole army's gear is an early, still quite gentle, expression of Franquin's anti-militarism, which he would let loose much more ferociously in Gaston Lagaffe and Idées noires.

Le Petit Noël

The series Noël was created in 1957 by André Franquin and Jidéhem and published in the Franco-Belgian comics magazine Spirou, while Franquin created the following work alone or together with Will.

Luc Cromheecke

In 2006, he also creates the spin-off series Plunk for Spirou, and publishes the first album of Ben de Boswachter.

Maryse Dubuc

With Delaf, she created the comic series The Bellybuttons (French title: Les Nombrils) for Safarir, a Québécois humor magazine, and Spirou, the weekly Franco-Belgian comics magazine published by Dupuis that later picked up the comic series.

Spirou et Fantasio

Their position as the official Spirou authors made them the flagship team to a whole new school of young, likeminded artists, such as Didier Conrad, Bernard Hislaire or Frank Le Gall, who had illustrious careers of their own.


It had by then for a while been clear that Dupuis had plans to replace Morvan and Munuera, the duo that had then for some years had the main responsibility for Spirou et Fantasio.

see also