They gain sustenance by draining energy from intelligent beings; the subject so affected bursts into flames as if experiencing spontaneous combustion.
In an episode of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation entitled "Face Lift," Sara Sidle and Warrick Brown investigate the case of a woman who was incinerated in her easy chair, leading Sidle to suspect spontaneous human combustion.
Brian J. Ford has suggested that ketosis, possibly caused by alcoholism or low-carb dieting, produces acetone, which is highly flammable and could therefore lead to apparently spontaneous combustion.
The second version, which was released in tandem with the UK re-release of the single, has Blunt burning his personal papers and passport in a forest before slowly internally combusting.
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In the 1999 episode "Spontaneous Combustion" of South Park, spontaneous human combustion is attributed to people's flatulence acting as the ignition.
He wrote an extensive chapter on the winter of 1904-5 in Britain, when a widespread religious revival in England and Wales coincided with numerous other strange occurrences: the appearances of ghosts, poltergeists, a few purported cases of Spontaneous Human Combustion, and a ravenous wolf (or perhaps werewolf) mutilating sheep and other farm animals in Northumberland.
John Irving Bentley (1874–1966), physician and alleged victim of spontaneous human combustion