
7 unusual facts about Springe

Hanover S-Bahn

The network was extended via the Deister Railway to Barsinghausen, Bad Nenndorf and Haste and also via Springe to Hamelin.

Hanover–Altenbeken railway

From there, the Emperor rode over the 2.5 km long and chestnut-lined Kaiserallee (Emperor's Alley) to a hunting lodge in Saupark Springe, a game reserve.

It was originally proposed that the line between Springe and Bennigsen would run further south to directly serve Eldagsen, which was larger at that time than Springe.

Heinrich August Ludwig Wiggers

Heinrich August Ludwig Wiggers (June 12, 1803 – February 13, 1880) was a German pharmacist born in Altenhagen (today part of the city of Springe).


Both ridges lies within the borough of Springe, the Springe municipalities of Altenhagen I and Eldagsen as well as the Brünnighausen and Dörpe in the municipality of Coppenbrügge.

Over the crest of the Nesselberg runs part of the sandstone wall known as the Saupark Springe which is around 16 km long and 2 m high and which runs for a long way over the Kleiner Deister.

Petra Hartmann

After a two years traineeship she became an editor at a daily newspaper in Springe, where she was working for five years.

JCB Vibromax

In 1995 Klaus Antony, Hermann auf der Springe, and Koos Krijger purchased Vibromax 2000, at that time production was moved to the city of Gatersleben, Sachsen Anhalt.

see also