
unusual facts about St Neots Priory

St Neots Priory

Saint Anselm, abbot of Bec Abbey in Normandy and later to be Archbishop of Canterbury, apparently visited the shrine of St. Neot in 1078-9.

see also

William Noyes

"The Church of St. Nicholas, Cheldreton, was given to the Monks of St. Neots (Huntingdonshire) about 1175 by Roger Burnard, and the grant was confirmed by Pope Alexander III. In 1380, 1399 and 1401 John Skylling, lord of the manor, was also patron of the church, probably by temporary grants from the Convent. In 1445 it was again in St. Neots' Priory, but seems to have been finally alienated to John Skylling about 1449."