
unusual facts about Stalactite


Stalactite, a type of a mineral formation that hangs from the ceiling of a limestone cave

Cold-Food Powder

Based upon numerous hanshisan recipes, Wagner's (1973:111-113) "Das Rezept des Ho Yen" lists 13 ingredients: First, 2.5 liang (兩 "tael") of six ingredients: zhongru (鐘乳 "stalactite"), baishiying (白石英 "milky quartz"), haige (海蛤 "oyster shell"), zishiying (紫石英 "amethyst"), fangfeng (防風 "Saposhnikovia divaricata"), and gualou (栝樓 "Trichosanthes kirilowii fruit").


Snottites: a colony of single-celled organisms resembling a soft stalactite, found in caves.

see also