
3 unusual facts about Starhawk


'Earth-based' spirituality is another term related to ecospirituality; it is associated with pagan religious traditions and the work of prominent ecofeminist, Starhawk.


With Anne Hill and Diane Baker: Circle Round: Raising Children in the Goddess Tradition (1998)

The Spiral Dance

The Spiral Dance: a Rebirth of the Ancient Religion of the Great Goddess is a best-selling book about Neopagan belief and practice written by Starhawk.


Starhawk |

Fifth Element

The Fifth Sacred Thing, which has also been referred to as The Fifth Element, is a novel by Starhawk


They team up with Charlie-27 of the Jupiter colony and Martinex of the Pluto colony when they come out of a telepod (whose appearance was caused by Starhawk) and form the Guardians of the Galaxy to fight the Badoon.

see also