
2 unusual facts about Starkweather


John Amsden Starkweather (1925–2001), a professor of Medical Psychology at University of California, San Francisco

John Converse Starkweather (1829–1890), a Brigadier General in the Civil War and Washington, D.C., lawyer

Caril Ann Fugate

In 2011 art photographer Christian Patterson released Redheaded Peckerwood, a collection of photos taken each January from 2005 to 2010 along the 500 mile route traversed by Starkweather and Fugate.

The 1996 Peter Jackson film The Frighteners features a central plot elements with a Starkweather-inspired killer who goes on a similar murder spree complete with a kidnapped female accomplice.

John Amsden Starkweather

Starkweather died March 10, 2001 at the age of 75 from complications of Parkinson's disease.

see also