If an estate was owned by a religious corporation that never died, attained majority, or became attainted for treason, these taxes were never paid.
It is the opinion of Pollock and Maitland that in the middle of the 13th century the tenant enjoyed a large power of disposing of his tenement by act inter vivos, though this was subject to some restraints in favor of his lord.
United States Statutes at Large | Statutes in Force | Repeal of Obsolete Statutes Act 1856 | Oregon Revised Statutes | Criminal Statutes Repeal Act 1861 | Statutes of uncertain date | statutes of uncertain date | Statutes of Mortmain | Statutes of Kilkenny | mortmain | Greek local statutes |
The controversy would surface in the Thomas Becket affair under Henry II of England, the Great Charter of 1217, the Statutes of Mortmain and the battles over Cestui que use of Henry VII of England, and finally come to a head under Henry VIII of England.