
4 unusual facts about Stauffenberg

German Free-minded Party

Under party chairman Franz August Schenk von Stauffenberg with his deputies Albert Hänel and Rudolf Virchow however, the Free-minded Party received disappointing 17.6% of the votes in the 1884 election, representing a drop of 3.6% from the combined parties' results in the previous 1881 election.


Berthold Graf Stauffenberg (born 03.Jul.1934) married Mechthild Grafin von von Bentzel-Sturmfeder-Horneck (born 27.Jan.1938)

Over the course of the years further estates were added to the family’s possessions, such as Schloss Greifenstein and Schloss Burggrub in Heiligenstadt near Bamberg, the Lautlingen castle near Ebingen on the southern slopes of the Schwäbische Alb, Ristissen some twenty kilometers south of Ulm and the Straßberg and Wildentierberg estates in Lautlingen near Albstadt.

The Schenken von Stauffenberg are an aristocratic Roman Catholic family from Swabia in Germany, whose best-known member was Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg – the key figure in the 1944 "20 July plot" to assassinate Adolf Hitler.


Filming permission was first granted in 2003 to a TV studio for the filming of Stauffenberg, starring Sebastian Koch.

Berthold von Stauffenberg

Berthold Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg (1905-1944), German lawyer, conspirator in the July 20 Plot, and brother to Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg

Berthold Maria Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg (born 1934), retired German military officer and oldest son of Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg.

Bexley, New South Wales

The episode, titled Von Stauffenberg's Stamp, starred Sam Neill and Wendy Hughes.

Bodewin Keitel

The liaison officer in the military district XX at the time was Lieutenant Colonel Hasso von Boehmer, who by his friend Henning von Tresckow for his resistance to Adolf Hitler,recruited the brothers Stauffenberg to carry out the assassination of Hitler.

Günther von Kluge

When Stauffenberg attempted to assassinate Hitler on July 20, Kluge was Oberbefehlshaber West ("Supreme Field Commander West") with his headquarters in La Roche-Guyon.

Heinz Brandt

In the 2008 film Valkyrie, Heinz Brandt is portrayed by British actor Tom Hollander, who is shown as an antagonist of Claus von Stauffenberg in the beginning of the movie.

Nina Schenk Gräfin von Stauffenberg

In the 1990 telemovie The Plot to Kill Hitler, Nina von Stauffenberg was portrayed by American actress Madolyn Smith Osborne.

Werner von Haeften

In the German production Stauffenberg (2004), his part was played by the actor Hardy Krüger junior, and in the film Valkyrie (2008) he was represented by the British actor Jamie Parker.

see also