
2 unusual facts about Steamroller


Steam rollers have had an influence on popular music, for example, the group Buffalo Springfield named themselves after (the manufacturer of) a steam roller parked outside the house.

The song Steamroller Blues was written and performed by James Taylor in 1970 and subsequently became a favourite of live concerts by Elvis Presley.

American Gramaphone

American Gramaphone has also released solo albums by Mannheim Steamroller musicians Jackson Berkey and Ron Cooley, as well as by the bands Checkfield and America.

Harry Pringle

During the 1950s Pringle acted as trainer for the works team of Aveling Barford, the Grantham-based manufacturer of steamrollers.


Hooley's 1901 patent for Tarmac involved mechanically mixing tar and aggregate prior to lay-down, and then compacting the mixture with a steamroller.

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