
unusual facts about Stefania Sandrelli

Giacomo Scarpelli

Other scripts by Giacomo Scarpelli are: Tempo di uccidere (1989, Time to kill, directed by Giuliano Montaldo, with Nicolas Cage), Testimone a rischio (1997, An eyewithness account, directed by Pasquale Pozzessere), Opopomoz (2003, a cartoon directed by Enzo D’Alò) N. Io e Napoleone (2006, directed by Paolo Virzì), Christine Cristina (2009), the first film directed by Stefania Sandrelli and Tormenti (2011), from the graphic novel by his father Furio Scarpelli.

The Little Devil

The Little Devil (original Italian name Il piccolo diavolo) is a 1988 Italian film directed by and starring Roberto Benigni, also starring Walter Matthau, Stefania Sandrelli, Nicoletta Braschi and John Lurie.

see also