
unusual facts about Steinschneider

Jedaiah ben Abraham Bedersi

It is probable that Bedersi wrote a supercommentary on the commentary on Genesis by Abraham ibn Ezra (compare Steinschneider, Cat. Bodl. col. 1283), and that he was the author of the philosophical poem on the thirteen articles of belief of Maimonides (compare Luzzatto, Ḥotam Toknit, p. 2).

Joseph ibn Shem-Tov

Commentary on Averroes' treatise on the possibility of union with the active intellect (Sekel ha-Po'el), after Moses Narboni's translation, with a long introduction (Steinschneider, Cat. der Hebr. Handschriften Berlin, No. 216; Zotenberg, l.c. No. 885).

Moses ibn Tibbon

Commentary on the weights and measures of the Bible and the Talmud (Vatican MSS., No. 298, 4; see Assemani, "Catal." p. 283; Steinschneider, "Joseph ibn Aḳnin", in Ersch and Gruber, "Encyc." section ii., part 31, p. 50; "Ginze Nistarot", iii. 185 et seq.).

Seder Olam Zutta

This induced many modern scholars, as H. Grätz, Steinschneider, and Zunz, to identify the "Seder 'Olam Zuṭa" with the "Seder 'Olam de Rabbanan Sabura'e."

see also