Hans Holbein the Younger | William Pitt the Younger | Seneca the Younger | George Dance the Younger | Sten | Pliny the Younger | Cato the Younger | Antonio da Sangallo the Younger | Lucas Cranach the Younger | George Colman the Younger | David Teniers the Younger | William Peverel the Younger | Sture Nordin | Martino Longhi the Younger | John Winthrop the Younger | Henry Vane the Younger | Sten-Timmu Sokk | Sam Younger | Pliny the younger | James Craggs the Younger | Francesco Bassano the Younger | Domenico Quaglio the Younger | Cyrus the Younger | Bob Younger | Younger Girl | Younger Futhark | Younger Brother | Younger | Yale Series of Younger Poets Competition | William Pitt the Younger's |
In 1921, it was suggested the street should be named Kristina Gyllenstiernas skans ("Sconce of. .") after Christina Gyllenstierna (1494–1559), wife of Sten Sture the Younger (1493–1520), who's statue, found nearby at the time, reminded of her bravely defence of the palace against the Danish army in 1520.