
unusual facts about Stephen Moore, 3rd Earl Mount Cashell

Stephen Moore, 2nd Earl Mount Cashell

He died in October 1822, aged 52, and was succeeded in the earldom by his eldest son, Stephen.

Douglas Adams's Guide to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

The participants are Douglas Adams, Simon Brett (producer of the very first programme), Simon Jones (Arthur Dent), Geoffrey McGivern (Ford Prefect), Paddy Kingsland (sound effects and audio mixing), Stephen Moore (Marvin), Geoffrey Perkins (producer of the first two radio series, except for the very first programme) and Nick Webb (Pan Books).

Lincoln Club of Orange County

The Club has also hosted events with pundits such as Mark Steyn, Jonah Goldberg, Stephen Moore, Amity Shlaes, Victor Davis Hanson, and Michelle Malkin.

Louis Uchitelle

Recently, Uchitelle moderated a "Times Talk" panel discussion with John Edwards, Barbara Ehrenreich, Stephen Moore and Katherine Newman entitled "American Middle Class: At Risk?"

Stephen Moore, 3rd Earl Mount Cashell

In 1833 the family left Europe for British North America and settled in Lobo Township in the London District (later Lobo Township in Middlesex County, Ontario).

On October 1, 1865 Mount Cashell's lawyer, H.C.R. Becher, based at nearby London, Ontario, confided in his diary that "The Earl of Mountcashell dines with me often. He is a troublesome client, rather amusing as a guest at first, but in the main a bore."

see also