
unusual facts about Sterculia foetida

Manupeu Tanah Daru National Park

There are about 118 plant species protected in this national park including Toona sureni, Sterculia foetida, Schleichera oleosa, Alstonia scholaris (Ditabark), Tamarind, Candlenut, Syzygium species, Casuarina species, and Lantana camara (Spanish Flag).

Laiwangi Wanggameti National Park

Some endemic plant species are protected in this national park, such as Syzygium species, Alstonia scholaris, Ficus species, Canarium oleosum, Cinnamomum zeylanicum, Myristica littoralis, Toona sureni, Sterculia foetida, Schleichera oleosa, and Palaquium obovatum.

see also

Bangar, La Union

The name Bangar (pronounced: Bang-gar) is derived from the bangar tree (pronounced ba- ngar; Sterculia foetida), which were once abundant in the general area of the present town.