
unusual facts about Stereophile

High fidelity

Data gleaned from these double-blind tests is not accepted by some "audiophile" magazines such as Stereophile and The Absolute Sound in their evaluations of audio equipment.


Stereophile |

Densen Audio Technologies

The term was soon grabbed by a reviewer from American audio magazine Stereophile, who in 1994, after Densen's launch of the B-100 at the winter CES named the Densen DM-20/DM-30 preamp/poweramplifier combination “Highest airguitar factor and best affordable sound” at the CES.

High fidelity

John Atkinson, current editor of Stereophile, stated (in a 2005 July editorial named Blind Tests & Bus Stops) that he once purchased a solid-state amplifier, the Quad 405, in 1978 after blind tests, but came to realize months later that "the magic was gone" until he replaced it with a tube amp.

see also