
unusual facts about Sterns


Australian Horror Writers Association

The AHWA built to some extent on the work of previous horror writers' associations in Australia such as the Sydney-based Gargoyle Club (1987-92)(see Leigh Blackmore) and the Melbourne-based Australian Horror Writers (1994-1998) (see Bryce J. Stevens), which grew out of Bloodsongs magazine (its President being Bryce J. Stevens, and its newsletter/journal Severed Head having been edited first by Stevens, then Aaron Sterns).

David D. Stern

David Sterns New Yorker Skizzenbuch im Dresdner Kupferstich-Kabinett, in Nina C. Illgen, Martin Roth: Dresden – New York: zu Ehren des 90. Geburtstages von Henry H. Arnhold. Dt.

They Came for Good

The film covers American Jew's entrepreneurial spirit from the mostly-Jewish peddlers selling goods on the back roads of the South to those who run the general stores that will one day grow into nationwide chains like Macy’s, Sears, Gimbels, Sterns and Filene's, Jews were major purveyors of commercial good in this country and, thus, major contributors to popular culture.

see also