The Stieber Twins, a rap duo consisting of brothers Martin (Marshall Mar, a.k.a. Martin Jekyll) and Christian (Luxus Chris a.k.a. Christian Hyde) are from Kirchheim; and Painter Crew Kirchheim, a graffiti troupe originating on one of the town's main streets (Schwartzwald Strasse) was known for creating vandalistic artwork on public spaces.
Minnesota Twins | Twins | Cocteau Twins | Twins (1988 film) | Thompson Twins | The Gutter Twins | The Edison Twins | Kray twins | Twins (group) | Twins (TV series) | Twins of Evil | Kessler Twins | Dynamic Twins | Twins (Ornette) | twins (1988 film) | The Z Twins | The Venetian Twins | Stieber Twins | Ragga Twins | Conjoined twins | Bobbsey Twins | Winston-Salem Polar Twins | Twins Seven Seven | TWINS mission | Twins Mission | The Z Twins (disambiguation) | The Watson Twins | The Venetian Twins (musical comedy) | ''The Venetian Twins'' | The Sunlandic Twins |
From 1994 to 1995 Massive Töne appeared at most of the important Hip-Hop concerts, where they appeared alongside well-known hip-hop groups like Fettes Brot, Spax, Absolute Beginner, the Stieber Twins, and MC Rene.