
unusual facts about Stitch 'n Bitch

Stitch 'n Bitch

In January 2004, Newsweek reported that Stoller's New York group had inspired spin-offs in Chicago and Los Angeles.

Michael Yingling

Michael Yingling (born July 10, 1972 in Portland, Oregon) is an American actor and the official soundalike for the Disney character Stitch.

see also

Debbie Stoller

Stoller has appeared as special guest at the Dutch Stitch 'n Bitch Dag in Rotterdam each year since 2006. She made her debut appearance at a UK knitting show on November 10, 2007 as special guest for I Knit London's UK Stitch 'n Bitch Day 2007 where she hosted a workshop, fashion parade and booklaunch for the fourth in her Stitch 'n BItch book series: Son of Stitch 'n Bitch.