
2 unusual facts about Stony Creek

A Night at the Puppet House

A Night at the Puppet House is a live recording of Gandalf Murphy and the Slambovian Circus of Dreams' November 13, 2004 show at the The Puppet House Theatre in Stony Creek, Connecticut.

John R. Chambliss

Promoted to brigadier general, Chambliss continued in command of the brigade, through the cavalry fighting from the Rapidan River to the James, gaining fresh laurels in the defeat of the Federals at Stony Creek.

Jeremiah S. Black

Black was born on January 10, 1810 in Stony Creek, Pennsylvania near his Glades, the son of Representative Henry Black, and his wife Mary Black (Sullivan).

see also


The base of the building is made of Stony Creek pink granite; the herringbone ceilings that graced the vaulted waiting room are constructed with Guastavino tiles (also used in New York’s Grand Central Terminal and the adjacent Oyster Bar); and the station’s prominent clock tower, embellished with eight gargoyles, was modeled after the Torre del Mangia on the Palazzo Pubblico in Siena Italy.