
4 unusual facts about Stop the War Coalition

Six Days in Fallujah

Shortly after the announcement of the game, Six Days was met with criticism by British war veterans from the United Kingdom, as well as from a British peace group, Stop the War Coalition.

Stop the War Coalition

Chris Nineham, StWC officer, former SWP Central Committee member

Speakers from across the world included Cindy Sheehan, the American mother whose son died in Iraq; and Hassan Juma, president of the Iraqi Southern Oil Workers Union.

In November 2013, it was announced that Mother Superior Agnes Mariam de la Croix, a Syrian-based nun accused of being an apologist for the Assad regime, had withdrawn from a forthcoming Anti-war conference organised by Stop the War on 30 November.

Hands Off the People of Iran

Shortly before Stop the War Coalition's 2007 AGM, HOPI, alongside another organisation Communist Students, was denied affiliation with the Coalition.

see also