
3 unusual facts about Stormtrooper

Storm troopers

Stormtrooper - German Infantry units during World War I trained in "infiltration" and trench assault tactics


According to Vanguard of Nazism by Robert G. L. Waite and Male Fantasies of Klaus Theweleit, some of the psychological and social aspects of the Stormtrooper experience found their way into the Weimar republic paramilitary groups such as the Freikorps, which were largely made up of WWI veterans.

Starting in September–October 1916 about 120 officers and 300 NCOs were trained in German training area in Beuville (near village Doncourt) to be the main cadre of the newly raised Austro-Hungarian army assault battalions.

Action Force

Called Action Force, the figures were a mixture of historical military figures (e.g. Desert Rat and German Storm trooper characters) and more contemporary soldiers (e.g. Arctic and Naval Assault characters).

Stormtrooper in Drag

"Stormtrooper in Drag" is included on numerous Gary Numan albums including the CD reissue of Dance and the compilations Exhibition (1983) and The Premier Hits (1996).

The Rough Patch

Lily was unable to find a Stormtrooper and instead finds a man dressed as the robot from Lost in Space, as she thinks Stormtroopers are also robots.

Trade Federation

Its succeeding representative resisted for a brief moment during his affiliation with the remnant of the CIS called the Separatist holdouts but was later forced to sign a surrender treaty by Clone troopers who had recently become Stormtroopers which made the federation a puppet government of the empire.

see also