Stunning, a process of rendering animals unconscious prior to slaughter
However, their ACC winning streak was snapped by Florida State when Michael Snaer hit a buzzer beating three pointer to stun the Duke home crowd.
In October 2012, few days before his third album was released, DJ Paul was arrested in New York when a Taser stun gun was found on him during a routine search.
Garbageheads on Endless Stun is an album by East River Pipe, released in 2003.
Following on from Children on Stun, the name is also taken from The March Violets album Botanic Verses.
Michigan prohibits the possession of Tasers or stun guns by private citizens, unless they have a concealed pistol licence, and have taken the proper Taser safety course.
The protest group, now numbering between three and five thousand, then moved towards the center of town and into Ala-Too Square, where gunshots and stun grenades could be heard, and protesters were seen fleeing.
One of the men involved, Robert McLeod (55) was shot by Constable Butcher with a Taser stun gun.
Building upon the relationship with Muhammad Ali, Amnesty seized the opportunity to win a celebrity endorser to assist in a public call to ban the use of the stun belt.