
5 unusual facts about Sturmbannführer

Herr Otto Flick

On the rare occasions he wears uniform, he is shown to be an SS-Sturmbannführer (Major).

Hohenlychen Sanatorium

Many preeminent SS doctors trained or were stationed at Hohenlychen, the most infamous being SS-Sturmbannführer Doktor Karl Gebhart, who was sentenced to death for war crimes.

Otto Thorbeck

In 1941 Sturmbannführer (Major) Thorbeck was appointed the chief judge of the SS and police court in Munich for which SS Standartenführer (Colonel) Walter Huppenkothen was the prosecutor.

Prussian Lithuanians

Alfred Naujocks, an SS-Sturmbannführer who took part in a staged incident on the Polish border to provide the justification for the attack on Poland by Nazi Germany in 1939

Venlo Incident

When Fischer's success in setting up the meetings with the British agents became known, Sturmbannführer (Major) Walter Schellenberg of the Foreign Intelligence (Counter-Espionage) section of the Sicherheitsdienst (SD) came on the scene.

Arthur Greiser

Koppe and SS-Sturmbannführer Herbert Lange proceeded to manage the problem by experimenting at a country estate at Chełmno nad Nerem with gas vans, establishing the first extermination unit which ultimately carried out the mass murder of approximately 150,000 Jews between late 1941 and April 1942.

Boves massacre

Up to 195 Italian civilians were killed and 350 houses were destroyed by artillery fire of the Waffen-SS under the command of SS-Sturmbannführer Joachim Peiper.

Fritz Biermeier

Fritz Biermeier (19 May 1913 — 11 October 1944) was a Sturmbannführer (Storm Unit Leader/Major) in the Waffen SS who was awarded the Knight's Cross with Oakleaves during World War II.

Fritz Vogt

Fritz Vogt (17 March 1918 – 3 April 1945) was a Sturmbannführer (Major) in the Waffen-SS during World War II who was awarded the Knight's Cross with Oakleaves.

Hauptamt SS-Gericht

In 1943 SS-Sturmbannführer Georg Konrad Morgen, from the Hauptamt SS-Gericht, began investigating corruption and criminal activity within the Nazi concentration camps system.

Rudolf Saalbach

Saalbach was awarded the Knight's Cross for his bravery and leadership between 12 and 19 March 1944, in Hungerburg and also promoted to Sturmbannführer.


In a letter dated January 29, 1943 by SS-Sturmbannführer Bischoff to SS-Oberführer Hans Kammler, Bischoff refers to basement morgue 1 of Crematorium II at Auschwitz as a "Vergasungskeller", literally "gassing cellar".

Walter Huppenkothen

From July 1941 he was appointed to the Reich Security Main Office in Berlin with the rank of Sturmbannführer (Major) in charge of a Gestapo Unit dealing with reactionaries and liberals, as the successor to Walter Schellenberg.

see also