
3 unusual facts about Stutthof


Most of the victims were either executed at a nearby mass execution site in Piaśnica or sent to Stutthof concentration camp.

Shlomo Shafir

Together with other surviving residents of the ghetto, Frenkel was transported through Stutthof to a Dachau satellite camp, Kaufering; another train brought prisoners to Auschwitz.

Wiktor Tołkin

He was one of the influential Polish artists of monumental sculpture and the creator of the monuments to the victims from the German concentration camps in Stutthof and Majdanek.


Bocień was the location of the German concentration camp Bottschin, a subcamp of the concentration camp Stutthof.


It was the location of the Nazi concentration camp Dzimianen - Sophienwalde, a subcamp of the concentration camp Stutthof.


The Piaśnica wilderness, where the river begins, is a place of Polish and Jewish martyrology; the second largest site of mass killings of Polish civilians in Pomerania (after Stutthof) during World War II.


During the Second World War it was the location for the German concentration camp Pröbernau, a subcamp of the concentration camp Stutthof.

Przysposobienie Wojskowe Kobiet

Unlike civilians from Warsaw, they were not sent to the concentration camps such as Ravensbrück and Stutthof, but to special POW camps, operated by the Wehrmacht, mainly Stalag VI-C in Oberlangen and Oflag IX-C in Molsdorf.

Rescue of Stutthof victims in Denmark

The rescue of Stutthof victims in Denmark took place on 5 May 1945 at Klintholm Havn, a small fishing village on the south coast of the island of Møn, when a barge full of famished Nazi concentration camp prisoners was towed into harbour.

SS Heimwehr Danzig

After the "reunification of Danzig with the German Reich," the Wachsturmbann "Eimann" provided the staff for the newly established concentration camp Stutthof near Danzig.

see also