The latest incarnation of the show featured Cannon and Ball in the starring roles, supported by Allo Allo’s Sue Hodge as Lady Chesapeake and newcomer Emily Trebicki as secretary Miss Spencer.
In June/July 2007, she once again appeared as Mimi in the stage show 'Allo 'Allo!, alongside Gorden Kaye as René Artois and Guy Siner as Lieutenant Hubert Gruber, at Twelfth Night Theatre, in Brisbane, Australia.
The other characters were portrayed by various famous Australian actors including Steven Tandy, Chloe Dallimore, Jason Gann and Tony Alcock, and Katy Manning.
Sue Perkins | Margaret Hodge | Sue Grafton | Douglas Hodge | Sue Barker | Patricia Hodge | Linda Sue Park | John R. Hodge | Charles Hodge | Sue Raney | Sue Nicholls | Sue Bradford | Sue | Mary Sue Terry | Sue Wallis | Sue Records | Sue Limb | Sue Green | Sue-Anne Webster | Sioux City Sue | Peter, Sue and Marc | Peggy Sue Got Married | Peggy Sue | Melissa Sue Anderson | Eugène Sue | Destiney Sue Moore | Charlie Hodge | Andrew Triggs Hodge | Tim Noble and Sue Webster | Tim Hodge |
The play toured in autumn 2006 and autumn 2007, with Gordon Kaye, Ken Morley, Don Maclean, Christopher Beeny, Peter Byrne, Brian Cant, Sue Hodge, Jan Hunt, Jody Crosier, Mike Edmonds, Brian Godfrey, and Emily Trebicki.